速報APP / 生活品味 / Rendezvous Mansfield

Rendezvous Mansfield





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本



Rendezvous Mansfield(圖1)-速報App

We are Suppliers of Quality Exclusive Hair & Beauty Products.

We have been established for over 30 years in Nottingham, and over the last 4 years have expanded into Derby, Lincoln, Loughborough and Mansfield.

If you are a hair, beauty or nail salon please contact us for prices.

Rendezvous Mansfield(圖2)-速報App

We pride ourselves in only supplying to the trade, that is why we do not publish prices.

We offer a free weekly local delivery service to customers in our catchment area.

We offer a wide range of Hair & Beauty training courses.

Rendezvous Mansfield(圖3)-速報App

Using our app, you can:

Rendezvous Mansfield(圖4)-速報App

-Read about our latest Hair & Beauty courses

-Save money with our exclusive in-app vouchers

-Hear about our latest news, events and offers

Rendezvous Mansfield(圖5)-速報App

-Get directions straight to our store using your mobile device

-Share your Rendezvous experience with our community

-Get in touch with our team instantly

Rendezvous Mansfield(圖6)-速報App